Make Your First Open Source Contribution within 5 minutes!!
with CodeYacht Community
CodeYacht is an Open Source organization to promote open-source culture and development and to help more people break into this field.
As a part of this initiative, CodeYacht has created a repository called "first-contribution" to help beginners make their first contributions to open-source projects. You can find it here.
In this blog post, I'll walk you through the steps to contribute to the Code Yacht first-contribution repository on GitHub.
Step 1: Fork the Project
To contribute to the CodeYacht first-contributions repository, you must first fork the project. To do this, navigate to the repository page and click the "Fork" button at the top-right of the page. This creates a copy of the project and saves it as a new repository in your GitHub account.
Step 2: Create a New Branch
Once you have forked the project, you need to create a new branch to work on your contribution. To create a new branch, navigate to your new repository's page and click the "main" button in the upper-left to reveal a dropdown menu. Enter the name of your new branch in the text box (usually refers to what is being changed) and click on "Create branch", which will automatically take you to your new branch.
Step 3: Edit the Project
Now you're ready to make your contribution! Navigate to the "Contributors" directory and click on the "Add file" button. In the drop-down menu, select "Create new file". Name the file as <your-github-username>.md
Now fill in your details as shown in the example provided below.
Name: [Your Name](https://github.com/<your_github_username>)
[Twitter](https://twitter.com/username) | [GitHub](https://github.com/username) | [LinkedIn](https://linkedin.com/in/username)
Add a commit message and click the green "Commit Changes" button, making sure you have selected the branch you have created.
Step 4: Raise a Pull Request
Once you have made your changes, it's time to submit your contribution to the Code-Yacht first-contributions repository. To do this, click on the "Pull Requests" button and select the green "New Pull Request" button. Switch branches from your main branch to your new branch and click the "Create Pull Request" button.
Congratulations! ๐
You have successfully contributed to an open-source project! CodeYacht's maintainers will review your pull request, and if everything looks good, they will merge your changes into the main repository. If you have any questions or issues, you can always ask by raising an issue on the repository.
What Now?
In conclusion, contributing to Open Source projects is a great way to improve your skills, build your portfolio, and give back to the community. I hope this blog post has helped you get started with contributing to the CodeYacht first-contribution repository. More exciting projects are coming soon!! You can join our Community with the links here:
GitHub Organisation | first-contribution repo | Discord Server | LinkedIn Organisation | Twitter
Happy contributing!